Category Archives: T.V. Interview

Mermaids You Say? Some DO Say!



So let’s continue with this idea and the program about proof of mermaids.  Are they real? Were they at one time?

In 2003  there was a coastguard video from the United Kingdom that was supposedly leaked to the press.  The unit was conducting a “man overboard” test exercise when they saw something.  A seal they thought at first? No, some sort of animal?  Then very quickly they saw an animal of some sort with a “skull ridge” on the facial part of the body.  Let’s try to find the footage:

Next comes the most convincing footage!  In 2010 there was a submarine mapping the ocean floor 3,000 feet below the surface.  They were men just doing their job, searching for oil reserves, not looking for mermaids or anything of that sort.  It was very quiet and then the 2 men heard a strange sound.  It made a “bloop” sound.  There were 2 cameras recording and they heard the sound again.  Then all of a sudden a webbed hand appeared on their window!  It touched the window and swam off.  It’s very convincing.  If this was a mermaid, it certainly isn’t the way we portray them, so beautiful and perfect.  Maybe that has been “our” interpretation of mermaids.  Interestingly enough, when they reported and showed this recording to their superiors, the government put a ban on oil drilling in the Greenland Sea.  They felt it was a government cover up.  It makes you wonder doesn’t it?!  Let’s look:

How does it leave you feeling?  With wonder and questions maybe…what do you think?

I’m including some footage that I have found.  Ready to swim with the mermaids?  See what you make of it:

008Well, real or not they’re very interesting and captivating as you will see in the next installment.  It is pure fiction, fun and very funny.  It’s mermaid Miranda and I was surprised at how delightful it was.  Check it out with me next time…

P.S.  You have seen pictures of my mermaid collection in this post.  My front living room is filled with mermaids of all kinds.  I’ve many more to share with you so swim along with me as we splash into mermaids.

Mermaids? Really?



P.T. Barnum supposedly bought a real mermaid in 1865.  He was going to unveil it on July 13th of that year but unfortunately, there was a fire and it burned before the show even started.  This is reminiscent of She Creature, the movie we reviewed yesterday.  In 1842 P.T. Barnum had an exhibit of a Figi mermaid.  It was a hoax as it turned about to be a monkey torso sewn onto a fishtail.  A bit lame don’t ya think?

Where am I coming up with this? I watched Mermaids:  The New Evidence on the Animal Planet.  You may have seen it.  It explores the question, are they real?  Let’s look into what they found.  Some of it is somewhat convincing.  See what you think…

Scientist Dr. Paul Robertson gave an exclusive interview on this show.  He believes the U.S. Navy and the government is covering up the evidence.  There are 33 million marine animals and there was an examination of the remains of a creature that may be mermaid-ish.  They did an MRI scan of a mermaid-like aquatic creature.  They saw a “skull ridge” above the eyes and he explains that no other sea creatures have this.  He is very interested in the Aquatic Ape Theory:

Dr. Robertson talks about the webbing between our fingers and that humans can hold their breath under water longer than marine animals.  He thinks it’s possible that many ages ago, land animals took to the ocean looking for food and later it is possible that mermaids evolved from this.

In Israel there is an idea and maybe some proof on video that a mermaid appeared on a rock and it was caught on film.  One million dollars will be awarded to the person that can show proof of this, absolute proof.  This mermaid comes out at sunset and perches on a rock.  Take a look:

What do you think?  Do mermaids exist?  Well there’s a lot more to look at from this program and that’s what we’ll see tomorrow.  There is some real convincing evidence coming up, more so than we saw today.  Stay tuned…